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DIGGA XO4 Auger extensions – up to 5t

DIGGA XO4 Auger extensions – up to 5t

Digga product quality and innovation leads the industry. 100% Australian made, designed and manufactured for Australian conditions, providing you with versatility, competitive pricing and a factory-backed warranty.


XO4 Auger extensions – up to 5t

Digga’s drilling extension range is the ultimate in quality and cost-effectiveness. Our extensions are manufactured in-house by Digga using only the highest grade materials and strictest quality control. The XO4 range of extensions is suited for machines up to 5 tonnes.


  • Easy fit design auger extension: Easy fit design with no adaptors required helping you connect and disconnect your augers faster.
  • Reduce excess auger drive and extension play: Welded hub and shaft reduces excess play in the connections ensuring a straighter hole.
  • Various auger extension hubs available: Digga’s XO4 auger extensions come standard with a 65mm round hub. Optional hub options are available upon request on extended lead times.
  • 4 lengths of auger extensions available: 4 length options available including 500mm / 800mm / 1000mm / 1500mm extension lengths.


X0 / XT 75 Auger extensions – 5-8t

Digga’s drilling extension range is the ultimate in quality and cost-effectiveness. Manufactured in-house by Digga using only the highest grade materials and strictest quality control. The X075 and XT75 range of extensions are suited for machines up to 5-8 tonnes.


  • Easy fit design: Easy fit design with no adaptors required helping you connect and disconnect your augers faster. Featuring eyelets as lifting lugs and tie-down points (telescopic) and eyelets to suspend the extension and auger in the hole while another is added or removed (outer).
  • Reduce excess auger drive and extension play. Welded hub and shaft reduces excess play in the connections ensuring a straighter hole.
  • Telescopic extensions: Telescopic design makes it easier to drill deeper as well as easier to transport. Inner extensions can be slid inside outer extensions and augers saving space and reducing loading time.
  • 4 length options available including 1000mm / 1500mm / 2000mm / 2500mm extension lengths.


XO / XT 75hd extensions up to 20t

Digga’s drilling extension range is the ultimate in quality and cost-effectiveness. Manufactured in-house by Digga using only the highest grade materials and strictest quality control. The X075HD and XT75HD range of extensions are suited for machines up to 20 tonnes.


  • Easy fit design auger extension: Easy fit design with no adaptors required helping you connect and disconnect your augers faster. Featuring eyelets as lifting lugs and tie-down points (telescopic) and eyelets to suspend the extension and auger in the hole while another is added or removed (outer).
  • Reduce excess auger drive and extension play: Welded hub and shaft reduces excess play in the connections ensuring a straighter hole.
  • Telescopic extensions make is easier to transport: Telescopic design makes it easier to drill deeper as well as easier to transport. Inner extensions can be slid inside outer extensions and augers saving space and reducing loading time.
  • 9 lengths of auger extensions available: 9 length options available including 1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2500 / 3000 / 3500 / 4000 / 4500 / 5000 mm extension lengths.



Brochure for: Auger Extensions – XO75HD-XT75HD

Brochure for: Auger Extensions – XO75-XT75

Brochure for: Auger Extensions – XO4


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