Gold Coast Plumbing and Drainage working the Sunward SWE18Feb 11, 2022Big shout out to Benny from Gold Coast Plumbing and Drainage working his new Sunward SWE18.Looking for a new machine?For more information call one of our sales team:Ross Mobile 0488 062 696Steven Mobile 0408 627 397Head Office 07 3807 4333 #Sunward #excavator #skidsteerloader #miniexcavator
Big shout out to Benny from Gold Coast Plumbing and Drainage working his new Sunward SWE18.Looking for a new machine?For more information call one of our sales team:Ross Mobile 0488 062 696Steven Mobile 0408 627 397Head Office 07 3807 4333 #Sunward #excavator #skidsteerloader #miniexcavator